Few words can describe the sheer magnitude and glory of experiencing your sexuality in a multidimensional way. That is with all of your heart, sacral and light body clear, online and in sync with your partner.
It requires most of all a meeting of the hearts. When we come to each other with an open heart full of the potential of connection, we can find heaven on earth in each other's arms. The masculine can open up the feminine body and rise with her to the greatest heights, provided that in the opening he continues to hold space. Only then can the feminine drop her magnetic floor entirely and envelope the masculine. Then he can rest in the most blissful, restorative peace.
The Hieros Gamos is simply to contain the universe within oneself. It is the mastery of the alchemical union between masculine and feminine life force energy.
But where do we begin? Things have changed so much with how we perceive our sexuality and genders in the last few decades (if not centuries) that it's hard to know how to navigate our desires and what a relationship could look like from this new vantage point.
Let's begin with the sexual energy that runs through your body, which is actually getting a 5D upgrade even as you read these words. Because it's important to get to know your own energy first before you share it.
It used to be that you had to learn many disciplines and prepare your body for years before you could successfully experience cosmic kundalini energy. It was indeed the rare individual who was able to harness Kundalini for a number of reasons. For one thing, Earth was surrounded by a fence of frequency control which has since been penetrated. As cosmic energies are more and more present on the earth plane and we meet them through the ascension process, there are millions of you who are discovering what kundalini can do for you. It is the force of your lives that you pulse with. And it is what allows you to awaken to your multidimensional selves.
The purpose of sex is of course to feel connection and intimacy, but beyond that it's to take you to completely different worlds, alchemize old stories with love, and elevate you into merging with your light body. In other words it's an opportunity to embody love, connect you to cosmic kundalini energy, heal your past, heal your body, and feel regenerated. That's a lot of goodness if you do it right! And it can be tricky territory.
So what are the pitfalls and where do we get stuck?
To me it's all about becoming more aware of all the things that are happening each time we come together with someone:
When you have sex with someone from your light body you are activating a whole world within them. The kundalini searches through your bodies to find the memories and patterns that are stored there. Almost always this means that a wound is popped or a fragmented part of us gets shaken up. In these moments we have to stay conscious enough to stay and heal through it.
It's a good idea to clear old attachments from your body. See your body cleansed and blessed and all sexual energy from previous attachments released. Stop talking about the past because it keeps it locked in your system. Use herbs for smudging as they are multidimensional and reach through time and space. Bless past lovers with love, release them, and ask them to move out of your field giving thanks for the lessons learnt together.
Whenever you have sex with another person, you attract invisible energies. These can be entities, curious interstellar beings, nondescript galactic patterns...but ultimately you want to experience merging with highly evolved beings who honor you and carry the love vibration. It is better to be aware of this to help you discern what energies are around you. Set your standards. Be clear with these energies that want to work with you. You can repeat to yourself “I only have sex with someone I love. I honor my body. I honor Earth. If you can fit into my values I welcome you into my life to teach you about human sexuality.”
Remember, you are exploring how much energy you can hold between yourself and your partner and how that energy will transport you somewhere.
That 'somewhere' is to a higher frequency and higher consciousness, because what is at stake here is humanity's ability to raise itself to a higher level that has been kept from us for thousands of years. Sexual energy is our greatest tool. So honor and accept that vital life force that flows through you.
I suggest you come into a relationship with intention, trust, honesty and a commitment to stay in the exploration together. That is how you learn the Hieros Gamos. Before you ask yourself how to relate to a lover, work on clearing and opening your heart and your sacral, infusing yourself with life force energy and it will glow through every pore of your skin wherever you are. It is part of what will train you about your divinity. Your life force energy is your divinity and it will transmit through your body and weave webs of love all around you.
The more transmissions you receive the more these pathways will effortlessly open up in your body and your life (and lovers) will respond.
So let’s come together and redefine sexuality because you have the ability to manifest the deepest bonding of partnership that you desire:
Sexuality aligns your body into a state of healing and opens gateways to the stars.
Sexuality in a bonded loving relationship can be profound and take you into other worlds.
Sexuality can revitalize your body, activate codes and remind it of its original blueprint.
And it all begins with you.
You have many things to look forward to in the sexual arena. Stay open, evaluate your present beliefs around sexuality, and explore your boundaries. Sexuality is your birthright and your heritage, it is your gift from the gods.